Bicycle Plans

The Knoxville Regional Bicycle Plan envisions a convenient, efficient transportation system where people can bike safely to all destinations.

Knoxville Bicycle Facilities Plan (2015)

The Knoxville Bicycle Facilities Plan was a collaborative effort of the City of Knoxville and the TPO. The Plan, completed in 2015, is available here, and the appendix provides a prioritized list of infrastructure improvements to make Knoxville a safer and more comfortable place to bicycle for both recreation and transportation.

Knoxville Regional Bicycle Plan

The Knoxville Regional Bicycle Plan provides a guide for the development of a convenient, efficient transportation system where people can bike safely to all destinations. This Plan recognizes the growing needs of the bicycling public and seeks to encourage more bicycling for both personal transportation and recreation. Bicycling as transportation improves air quality and reduces traffic congestion. In addition, bicyclists benefit from improved health and fitness.

2009 Bicycle Plan Update

The 2009 Bicycle Plan Update was adopted by the TPO Executive Board on May 27, 2009.  It is intended as a supplement to the 2002 plan and provides a succinct plan of action.
How are we doing?

Yearly Evaluation of Performance Measure in the Plan

Oak Ridge Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

The Oak Ridge Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan describes the current state of walking and bicycling in the City of Oak Ridge and it lays out a plan for improving bicycling and walking conditions in the years to come.