I BIKE KNX promotes bicycling as part of the overall transportation system. We are housed within the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization and work to implement the 2009 Regional Bicycle Plan.
Our Vision
A convenient, efficient transportation system where people can bike safely to all places.
Regional Bike Facilities Map
Use this map to learn about facilities across East Tennessee. The map includes information on:
- Bike lanes
- Signed bicycling routes
- Greenways and other multiuse trails
- NEW Bicycle repair stations and bike shops
Take the Pledge!
Whatever your reason for biking and whatever kind of bike you ride, we all share two wheels. We also share the road, which means we should obey traffic laws, be predictable and communicate our intentions. Take the I Bike KNX Safe Biking Pledge here and be eligible for discounts at participating businesses, along with lots of specials during Bike Month each year.