We make bicycling in Knoxville safer and more fun!
We advocate for better bike facilities.
We hold events to promote bicycling.
We teach safety to bicyclists.
The Knoxville Regional Bicycle Plan envisions a convenient, efficient transportation system where people can bike safely to all destinations.
One of the best things about bicycling is it’s something you can do today that will make a difference. Bicycling to work or the store means taking personal responsibility for improving your health and saving money, but also helps our community and our country. More people on bicycles mean safer streets, healthier people, cleaner air and more livable communities.
The Bicycle Program strives to integrate bicycling into the transportation system. The program works with citizens and governments within Knox, Blount, Anderson, Roane, Sevier and Loudon counties to implement the 2009 Regional Bicycle Plan, holds events to promote cycling to the public, and offers resources that help everyone cycle more safely.
Bicycling Ambassadors
Community members helping to promote safe bicycling
Tour de Lights
Bike Walk Knoxville’s popular annual holiday bike parade
Bike Month
Rediscover bicycling through rides, events and classes
Bike Classes
From small groups to individual instruction
Traffic Counts
Bicycling and walking counts at key intersections
Bicycle Parking
Serve your customers and employees with low cost bike racks
Bike Lockers
Rent bike lockers at Knoxville’s transit centers