Bike To Work Day

We celebrated National Bike to Work Day with a free breakfast and awards on Market Square with more than 60 people attending! All day on May 15th, bike commuters could stop by participating businesses in the region for free coffee and other goodies. 

Bike Classes

Ride Smart – Urban Biking 101 It’s a bike ride and a class all in one! This 1-hour casual ride will teach you where to ride on the road, how to negotiate intersections, and other tips to make you more confident biking in traffic. Email us if you’re interested and want to find out when a class […]

Try The New I Bike Knx App

The new I Bike KNX smart phone app, developed by Civil and Engineering researchers at the University of Tennessee – Knoxville, aims to improve bicycling safety. The app uses your phone’s GPS to record your routes, allowing City of Knoxville staff to know which routes bicyclists prefer. The app also allows users to report problems […]

Bike To Earthfest!

Kickstand will be leading group rides to and from EarthFest Saturday, April 18, 2015. The rides will begin at Kickstand and will go to EarthFest at World’s Fair Park. The route is less than 5 miles and takes about 20 minutes. Rides will leave Kickstand at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Return trips will leave EarthFest at 2:30 […]

Bikesafe Update

FHWA recently completed its update to the Bicycle Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System, commonly known as BIKESAFE, to reflect the latest research and best practices surrounding designs for bicycle safety. The website also offers PEDSAFE, which provides practitioners with the latest information available for improving the safety and mobility of those who walk. An online […]

Annual Holiday Bike Parade Delights Cyclists And Spectators Alike

As dusk descended on downtown Knoxville last Friday, more than 1,000 bicyclists—many decked out in holiday costumes—gathered in Market Square to await the start of the City of Knoxville’s 8th annual Tour de Lights bike ride. With festive spirit, snowmen, reindeer, elves, and even jolly ol’ St. Nick mounted their bikes, departed the square, and […]

Driving Safely Around Bicyclists

We present to drivers ed classes every semester! The Bicycling Ambassadors are just wrapping up another round of presentations to high school drivers education classes. We talk about how more and more people are bicycling, how to safely pass bicyclists, and what the rules of the road are. We also reinforce what they hear the […]

Welcome To Our New Website

Take a look around and let us know what you think. Bicycle Program staff, ambassadors, and volunteers have been anxiously awaiting this day and it’s finally here: we finally have a new and improved website! We hope you’ll like the new look and find it easier to navigate to information you need. Should you encounter […]

Citizens Guide To Promoting Bicycle- And Pedestrian-Friendly Communities

This guide is a resource for individuals, local organizations, community coalitions, neighborhood groups, the faith community and others interested in promoting and creating bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods and communities. New version posted on March 4, 2015.

Potential Pedestrian And Bicycle Projects

The “Find It, Fund It” chart indicates potential eligibility for pedestrian and bicycle projects under federal highway and transit programs. In each case there are specific requirements that must be met within eligibility criteria and eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The table has been updated for the new transportation law, MAP-21. And look out […]